Caracterização fisico-química de adobe estabilizado com amido de mandioca




Due to the high habitational Brazilian shortage, traditional technologies of earth construction and constructive elements production have been rescue, having the soil as a principal raw material. Between these traditional technologies, there are the adobes, which consist of soil blocks with regional variable size. The soil material is removed, humidified, trodden up to reach a suitable consistence in order to be throw in wood shapes and placed to dry. The use of adobe in construction accomplishes completely the necessities from the ecodevelopment, because of the great usefulness of the natural capability from each region, the lack of transports necessity, the ample availability of raw materials, the lack of specialized labor and the low use of energy. With the intention to propose better physics resistance to adobe blocks, it has been studied various processes of soils stabilization, in which, more frequently, that are added stabilizers to the mixture. These stabilizers can be fibers, agricultural wastes or traditional stabilizers, such as cement or lime. These lasts consume high quantities of energy in their production. Using tests proceeding from the local knowledge and also laboratorial tests, it was realized granulometric analysis, determination of plastic and contraction characteristics of the soil used to make the adobe. The chemical and textural characterizations of the materials were made through energy dispersion spectrometer (EDS), X-ray diffraction (DRX), gas adsorption (BET) and helium picnometry. It was verified occurrence of effects caused by implementation of manioc starch as a non-tradition stabilizer on the contractions resistance of the adobes. It was verified that the utilized soils composition has a great amount of clay and that this granulomeric composition differed sensibly from the encountered values in the literature, in which the adobes with predominance of thick particles presented satisfactory mechanical properties. However, it was verified that the resistance of the adobes added with a determinated composition of maniocs starch paste attended to the systematized determinations for the compression resistance and that, joined to others benefits, as the accomplishment to the principles from ecodevelopment, makes viable its utilization in housing construction.


earth construction, ecodevelopment, adobe, stabilization, mechanical resistance. construção com solo, ecodesenvolvimento, adobe, estabilização, resistência mecânica. engenharia de materiais e metalurgica

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