Caracterização do trabalho da enfermagem em laboratório de análises clínicas / Characteristics of the activities performed by nursing professionals in clinical laboratories.




This qualitative and quantitative study, an exploratory-descriptive study, examines the characteristics regarding the work performed by nursing professionals in clinical laboratories. The general goal aims to identify roles played by nursing professionals in clinical laboratories that allow us to characterize the nursing work process. The specific goals seek to identify health workers that are responsible for collecting samples, to distinguish the activities played by different nursing professionals and to learn how they are inserted in the organizational structure. The theoretical reference adopted is based on studies regarding work procedures and human resources in health and nursing. A questionnaire was used to collect data and the sample comprised 45 institutions. Regarding the clinical laboratories, result analysis revealed that 15.6% of them do not offer in-service training and 60% do not do it on a continuous manner; nurses basically take on the responsibility for training other nursing professionals. Regarding human resources, 77.8% are nursing assistants, 13% are nurses, and 9.1% are practical nurses. There is evidence of a social and technical division of the workload: nursing assistants provide direct care, nurses manage the processes, and practical nurses perform both activities. No relevant differences were observed between the activities played by nursing assistants from those played by practical nurses. Furthermore, there are other professionals that share the same activities played by those nursing professionals. In most cases, nursing professionals are subordinated to other areas and have little autonomy in the organizational structure.


work trabalho em enfermagem força de trabalho laboratório de análises clínicas workforce coleta de amostras trabalho clinical laboratory samples collection work in nursing

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