Aventuras e desventuras: a peça proibida e a greve de estudantes que desafiou a ditadura em 1966. / Adventures and misadventures: the play banned, and strike of students who challenged the dictatorship in 1966.




This dissertation examines the movement around the play "Adventures and not adventures of a student". Prohibited by the direction of the College State of Bahia became the pivot of a strike by students that fighting for freedom of expression faced civil and military authorities in the State of Bahia in the year 1966 in full dictatorship. It addresses topics such as repression of student movement in the period, joints between high school, academics and other social sectors and the impact of student movements in the press Bahia. Docked in a range of sources that includes school records, newspapers of the time, personal files, documents and testimony of the prosecution and contemporary protagonists, the survey aimed to contribute as historic and geographical debate about the student movement during the military dictatorship, particularly on the high school participation of the resistance to the regime that has developed in Brazil after the coup of 1964.


historia ditadura movimento estudantil greve strike dictatorship student movement

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