Avaliação ultrassonográfica da musculatura do sistema estomatognático em indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular muscular / Ultrasound evaluation the muscle stomatognathic system in individuals with temporomandibular disorder muscle


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The temporomandibular disorders (TMD) includes changes related to the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), masticatory muscles and other structures of the stomatognathic system presents itself as pain in the masticatory muscles, joints, cervical muscles, cuts and deviations in the movements of jaw joint sounds and patterns of inadequate occlusion. It is of major importance to study the masticatory muscles because of the great influence which it has in the stomatognathic system. The objective of this study was to analyze the thickness of the masseter and temporal bilaterally by ultrasonography in patients with TMD muscle, in order to set the standard for this thick muscle dysfunction. The results of this study will allow assessment of the stomatognathic system\ s functional point of view in individuals with TMD muscle and can guide the dentist in making diagnoses, prognoses and treatment plans, with gains in quality of life for their patients. Therefore it is concluded that at rest as in clenching in maximum intercuspation was a thinning of the left masseter, temporalis left and right for the group with muscular TMD. And with respect to gender there was a decrease in muscle thickness for both the masseter and temporalis muscle for in women.


disfunção temporomandibular masticatory muscles músculos mastigatórios temporomandibular disorders ultrasound ultrassonografia

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