Avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas e da atenção em crianças com transtorno do déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) / Neuropsychological assessment of the executive functions and attention in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)




INTRODUCTION: ADHD is a mental health problem which is highly frequent in children, adolescents and adults all over the world. It is characterized by the presence of three symptom groups: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Both national and international researches indicate that people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may also present, in addition to the attention deficits, alterations in the executive functions. Children and adolescents with ADHD present evident impairments in their school learning and in social and emotional development. The ADHD diagnosis is clinical, based on DSM-IV criteria; however, studies of the impairments of attention and executive functions in patients with ADHD have allowed a better characterization of the different clinical subtypes, besides being fundamental to diagnostically elucidating some comorbities and proposing intervention and / or rehabilitation. The aim of this research is to use the neuropsychological tests to aid the assessment of ADHD patients attention and executive functions. METHODS: In this transverse study, performed from September 2006 to June 2008, 23 male patients, aged 9 to 12 years, with diagnosed ADHD without comorbities according to DSM-IV criteria, IQ89, who had never been medicated for ADHD, who could read and write according to their level schooling and were being monitored in the outpatient clinic for ADHD at the Child Neurology Service of the Central Institute and the Childrens Institute, Hospital das Clínicas, FMUSP, were selected and their neuropsychological test results were compared to the control group (n=15) which followed the same criteria as for gender, age and IQ. The SNAP-IV Rating Scale was also compared between patients and control group. RESULTS: 1) There were significant differences (p<0,05) between patients and control group as for the performance of attention and executive functions; 2) the patients presented higher scores for inattention, difficulties with the working memory, inadequate planning, longer execution time, longer reaction time, poorer inhibitory performance, higher errors per action and omission than the control group; 3)The neuropsychological tests that demonstrated higher sensitivity to asses attention and executives functions in order of importance were: a) TAVIS 3R (task 2- errors by action), b) TAVIS 3R (task 3- reaction time), c) TAVIS 3R (task 2- reaction time), d) TAVIS 3R (task 1- errors by action), e) Subtest Pictures Completion of WISC III- Third Edition and f) Trial Making Test, part B. CONCLUSIONS: According to the results, through most neuropsychological tests performed, it was possible to show changes in the executive and attentive functions in ADHD children. Also, it was possible to verify that the tests, in decreasing order of importance: TAVIS 3R (task 2- errors by action), TAVIS 3R (task 3- reaction time), TAVIS 3R (task 2- reaction time), TAVIS 3R (task 1- errors by action), Subtest Pictures Completion of WISC III- Third Edition and Trial Making Test, part B, showed a greater correlation with the ADHD diagnosis.


transtorno da falta de atenção com hiperatividade attention deficit hyperactivity disorder neuropsychological tests atenção executive functions testes neuropsicológicos attention funções executivas

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