Avaliação in vivo da densidade óssea ao redor de implantes osteointegráveis com diferentes plataformas / In vivo assessment of bone density around dental implants with different platforms




In regard of the high successful rates and the excellent outcome, dental implants become the first option in rehabilitation for dental loss. In this way the maintenance of soft peri-implant tissues came up as a new issue to consider especially when esthetic areas are being restored. Generally a bone loss of approximately 1,5 mm occurs after one year of dental implant installation and every following year a new bone loss of about 0,1mm also happen. It has been demonstrated an association between a lower initial bone loss and switch platform. Aiming to compare the crestal bone status around dental implants between conventional platform implants and switch platform implants, dental radiographic images were analyzed and compared in a short term prospective clinical study. Eight complete edentulous patients were submitted to minor oral surgery to dental implants installation. Five mandibular dental implants were installed in each patient in a total of 40 dental implants. Three out of the five dental implants were conventional platform implants and two were platform switching implants (morse taper). Previous prepared mandibular total dentures were early screw attached according to Bränemark protocol. The radiographic follow up was performed 21 days and 3, 6 and 12 months after after the surgery. The periapical X-Ray were digitalized and a digital image subtraction was performed with emago software, All X-Ray were compared to the first X-Ray. The results shown a regular bone remodeling troughtout the follow up period and no significative differences were found between the analysed implants.


perda óssea odontologia implantes dentários osseointegrados - radiografia perda óssea alveolar - radiografia implantes dentários dental implants digital subtraction radiograph bone loss subtração radiográfica digital

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