Avaliação dos pontos de apoio (ecopontos) na gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos: estudo de caso de São José do Rio Preto - SP


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The use of Support Points (AP), also known as Eco points, the integrated management of municipal solid waste (MSW) has occurred in different cities of the world and in Brazil, such practice is spreading, albeit slowly. The prospect is that such use contributes to a better management of MSW. It is necessary, however, to monitor and evaluate these procedures to ascertain their role and improve its functioning. In this sense, this research aimed to make an assessment of the system of points of support (Ecopoints) exists in the city of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. Therefore, data were collected on these devices, such as the characteristics and condition of its facilities, the quantities and types of waste received and other operational data. Was also made, through interviews with locals and professional users, a query on the knowledge of them regarding the importance and correct use of PA. The results showed that the use of PA was effective for receiving small volums, they are delivered by the residents, transporting small loads or construction professionals. However, the data showed some inconsistencies, showing the need for more efficient management. Similarly, data on costs of implementation and operation need to be monitored because it was not possible to assess this aspect of management. With regard to consultation with users and other residents, there was a certain ignorance of the system, although part of the population will use, indicating the need for further clarification and guidance. In general, one can consider that the points of support are a device that improves the management of municipal solid waste (in the case studied, absorbs 23% of the waste generated RCC, besides presenting a reception higher when compared to other cities), but it is necessary an efficient and dynamic to fulfill more effectively its role and not be considered only as irregular depositions that became "organized" by the municipal administration.


resíduos sólidos ecopontos gestão de resíduos sólidos ponto de apoio residuos solidos, domesticos e industriais solid waste support point ecoponto waste management

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