Avaliação dos conhecimentos e práticas de saúde bucal de gestantes, usuárias do SUS, no município de Dourados - MS / Knowledge and oral health care practices evaluation among a pregnant women group, SUS users from Dourados City MS, Brazil.




Pregnancy causes psychological and physiological changes in women, both directly related to oral health. This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and oral health care practices among a pregnant women group, SUS users from Dourados City MS, Brazil. 260 pregnant women were interviewed and data were registered in the EPI-INFO 3.3.2. Results showed 80,7% pregnant women believed they needed dental treatment although most of them did not seek for a dentist for several reasons such as being afraid and a lack of accessibility, despite of 69,9% thought they had any kind of oral impairment. Pregnant women who sought for dental attendance 56,3% reported healing needs. Most of them did not have any advice about dental care during pregnancy. Regarding to their hygiene and oral food habits 44,4% prefered high carbohydrate food, 76,9% brushed their teeth at least three times a day and 62% used floss. 81,5% of them believed their oral problems affected their general health while 32,7% believed their pregnancy caused oral problems such as bleeding gums, teeth weakness and toothache. Conclusion: 1) Young population with low income and education depend on SUS for medical-dental assistance.2) Pregnant women present some knowledge about oral health care, although beliefs that pregnancy causes oral impairment and that pregnant women are not allowed to see a dentist were observed into this group. 3) Beliefs, difficult to reach a dentist and lack of advice interfered and influenced in seeking a dental treatment.


pregnancy promoção de saúde bucal saúde bucal na gravidez oral health promotion gestação odontologia preventiva - mulheres grávidas boca - cuidado e higiene saúde bucal - mulheres grávidas oral health in pregnancy ciencias da saude

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