Avaliação do Programa de Apoio a Eventos no País-PAEP, como uma política pública de fomento à disseminação do conhecimento científico / Assessment of the program of support for events in the country ¿ paep, a public fostering policy to dissemination of scientific knowledge


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The dissemination of scientific knowledge is of paramount importance for the social, cultural and technological development of a country. There are programs for public policies that invest in events for this purpose. This study evaluates the Program of Support for Events in the Country - PAEP, from Capes, which has among its goals the one to "support events designed to improve the training of teachers for basic education and teachers for graduate courses¿. In this study¿s theoretical foundation, we employ three themes that characterize the evaluated object and the evaluation process itself: science communication, public policy and programs evaluation. These themes have ideas of various authors that complete each other, interact and subsidize the matters discussed in this research. The methodology adopted had eight steps: the planning of the evaluation process; mapping of PAEP¿s macroprocess for identification of internal and external audiences of this program; preparation and application of the opinion questionnaire from the presidents of events of basic education and graduate; collection, analysis and reporting of the results about the level of satisfaction of those presidents about PAEP and their suggestions for improving the program. The results obtained in this thesis are presented in an article, a manuscript and a final report. In the article is presented the degree of satisfaction of 111 presidents of events that occurred in 2010, supported by PAEP, in the areas of Biological Sciences, Multidisciplinary and Humanities. It was found that over 70% of the events presidents classified eight of ten items of the questionnaire about PAEP as satisfactory or very satisfactory. Nevertheless, these presidents suggest that some stages of this program need fixing: deadline for release of resources by managers of PAEP relative to the start of the event; and values provided by the managers of the PAEP in relation to the amount requested by the presidents of the events. In the second study, the data presented represent the opinion of 74 presidents of events for basic education held in 2010 and 2011, representing 38.54% of the surveyed population. Of this total, 97.3% consider the PAEP as satisfactory or very satisfactory for the realization of their events, which demonstrates that the program is meeting the demands and expectations of the target audience. Another five questionnaire items were listed by more than 70% of the presidents of events as satisfactory and very satisfactory: evaluation criteria (93.2%); application deadline (71.2%); documents required for submission of the proposal (82.2%); eligible items (71.2%); and rules on accountability (74.0%). It is noteworthy that the evaluations of items facility to complete the online form (67.1%); granted values (65.8%); and information about the results (63.0%) were between 50% and 70%, being considered as intermediary level of satisfaction. The item release of funds by Capes relative to the start of the event showed the lowest level of satisfaction of these presidents (41.1%), indicating a need for improvement in this program. The documentary evidences from PAEP shows that in 2010 and 2011 was invested by this program the amount of R$ 47,123,290.00 to support the execution of 2,436 events for the graduate and basic education publics, in all areas. The analyzes also show that the Humanities area has more events and greater resources than the others, but is the second area with the least amount of resources provided per event. The events of Biological Sciences area receive from PAEP, on average, R$ 8,700.00 more than the events of the Humanities area. When the average amount provided per event is analyzed, it is observed that this area is just ahead of the Linguistics, Letters and Arts area. As a product of the thesis, a final report was prepared to support the decisions of the managers of PAEP. From this study it was observed that it is necessary to evaluate the public policy programs, because this kind of initiative can support the decisions of managers on improving the programs, projects and actions, both in favor of transparency and the level of excellence service provided to the scientific community, as for science.


coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nível superior. programa de apoio a eventos no país. scientific communication capes science education scientific dissemination scientific events conhecimento científico public policy encouraging government comunicação científica paep políticas públicas eventos científicos e de divulgação

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