"Avaliação da procalcitonina como marcador de sepse e de choque séptico em pacientes pediátricos" / Evaluation of procalcitonin and C reactive protein as a sepsis marker in pediatric patients




Bacterial sepsis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates and children. Early detection of bacterial sepsis is difficult because the first signs of this disease may be minimal or nonspecific. The availability of a laboratory test to accurately and rapidly identify septic neonates and children would be of great value in improving the outcome of these patients. Several acute-phase proteins have been used for the diagnosis of bacterial sepsis and C reactive protein (CRP) is the usual marker. It has been reported that the concentration of procalcitonin (PCT), a pro-hormone, is markedly higher in children and adults with sepsis. In a prospective study, 14 children were enrolled after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), these group represent the non infected children with inflammatory response. Blood samples were obtained before CPB, after CPB, on the first, second and third day after surgery. Another group with 14 children with sepsis or septic shock were enrolled, and blood samples were obtained before antibiotic start, on the first, second and third days. In septic children PCT concentration is a better diagnostic marker of sepsis and to differentiate inflammatory response than CRP.


pediatria sepse procalcitonina septic shock choque séptico sepsis procalcitonin pediatric

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