Avaliação da expressão de moléculas co-estimuladoras na superfície de células dendríticas de fêmeas ovariectomizadas em modelo murino de asma / Evaluation of expression of co-stimulatory molecules on dendritic cells surface of ovariectomized females in murine model of asthma




The trigger and the maintenance of asthma are influenced by immune system and its sensibilization. Antigen processing and antibody generation implicate on the allergic response development observed in asthmatic subjects. Results obtained in our laboratory showed that the female sex hormones oscillation during sexual cycle influences on the worsening of asthma. In this study, we analysed the participation of female sex hormones (FSH) on dendritic cells (DCs) maturation and consequently antigen presentation and lymphocyte activation during pulmonary inflammation. Furthmore, we studied immunorregulatory aspects and co-stimulatory molecules expression in allergic mice DCs (DC11c+), in wich ovaries were removed 7 days before allergen sensitization. The results obtained indicate that the FSH can modulate the antigen presentation by reducing DCs expression of costimulatory molecules. Altogether, our data contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms envolving the regulation of immune response through interaction with FSH.


asthma linfócitos t citokines mouse células dentríticas asma hormônios sexuais femininos female sex hormones camundongos t lymphocytes dentritic cells citocinas

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