Atividade antiviral de extratos de plantas do Cerrado contra herpesvírus / Antiviral activity of Brazilian Cerrado plants extracts against Herpesvirus


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Herpesviruses are responsible for important diseases in humans and animals. In animals, they are associated with economically important diseases worldwide. In humans, they represent serious threats to public health, and the severity of the illness increases in immunocompromised patients. In addition, there are mutant strains that are resistant to available drugs. Because of the difficulties associated with the prevent ion and treatment of herpesvirus infect ions, the use of plant products as antivirals can be an alternative. The Brazilian Cerrado is a biome located almost entirely in Brazil has over 10,000 species of plants. These plants can potentially be used as a source of pharmacologically active compounds. There for , this study aimed to evaluate the antiviral activity, virucidal activity and the selectivity index (SI) of extracts from Cerrado plants against suid herpesvirus type 1 (SuHV-1) equid type 1 (EHV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Initially, the lyophilized extracts were tested for cytotoxicity in MDBK and Vero cells to identify t he maximum nontoxic concentration (MNTC). Of the extracts, four showed the same MNTC for both cells, but the extracts were generally more toxic to Vero cells. Then, based on the MNTC, antiviral activity tests were performed against HSV-1 and EHV-1 in Vero cells and SuHV-1 in MDBK cells. The results demonstrated that 50% of the extracts showed activity against at least one of the herpesviruses studied. In particular, the extracts from Banisteriopsis variabil is, Byrsonima intermedia and Xylopia aromatica, were active against all of the herpesviruses, and the extract from Stryphnodendron adstringens was active against HSV-1 and SuHV-1. The extracts that showed antiviral activity were also tested for virucidal activity, and the SI was calculated. An extract was considered active when the viral inhibition index (VII) was greater than or equal to 1.5 or showed a PI% (percent inhibition) greater than or equal to 97%. As for the SI, extracts were considered active when the displayed values greater than or equal to four. Virucidal activity was observed in 75% of the extracts against at least one of the herpesviruses tested. The species that showed the most promising results were: B. variabil is , X. aromatica, S. adstringens and B. intermedia. Was used for additional testing with varying concentrations, and demonstrated antiviral and virucidal activities at concentrations lower than the MNTC against the herpesviruses tested. Therefore, this study demonstrates the potential of Cerrado as a source of compounds with antiviral and virucidal activities. Additional studies are necessary to evaluate the mechanisms of act ion and the chemical compounds responsible for the observed activity


agentes antivirais savanas virus do herpes produtos biológicos antiviral agents savannah herpesviridae alphaherpesvirinae biological products alphaherpesvirinae

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