Aspectos conceituais da gestão de recursos hidricos e sua aplicação no caso das bacias hidrograficas dos rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiai, SP




The concept of Water Resource Management has been incorporating consolidated principies about water use, including decentralization and participation of the society in relation to the administration of water resources. The Hydrographic Basin is the management unit and the water is considered as a resource of economical importance. Gradually, countries are applying these principies to their legislation and establishing suitable politics to the new concept of management obtained ITom a holistic view ofthe water. The present investigation evaluates the adequacy and evolution of water resource management in Brazi4 approaching political, juridical-institutional, technical and socialeconomical aspects. It draws some examples ITom foreign experience to highlight the efficacy of the management model. The theoretical foundation brought together for this analysis is also used to verify the model application in the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí rivers basins, in the São Paulo State, which comprise a Management Unit ofWater Resources. The choice ofthis unit was due to its importance as pioneer in the implementation of this model in Brazil. It also represents one ofthe most developed regions in the country, with a large urban and industrial concentration, serious problems of degradation of its water resources and many conflicts for the use ofwater. From this investigation, it was elaborated an environrnental zoning of the basin, which provides a synthesis of the water resource assessment and subsidy to its management, emphasizing the importance of the combined use of the superficial and underground waters and the need for integrated management, without dissociation of the quantitative and qualitative aspects and considering the use and occupation of the soil


recursos hidricos - desenvolvimento bacias hidrograficas legislação politica aguas subterraneas

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