As tecnologias da informação e da comunicação na organização do trabalho pedagógico na educação física: possibilidades emancipatórias no ensino do esporte.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis is the result of the collective effort of a group of researchers, which in Line for Studies and Research in Physical Education and Sports (LEPEL /FACED / UFBA), of the post-graduate Education at University Bahia, search through their scientific studies of Matrix imprint, respond to significant issues of pedagogical work, the production of knowledge, teacher education and public policy in education, physical education, sport and leisure. In this set of matrix elements of the research, the group LEPEL / FACED / UFBA, we investigated the organization of educational work, exploring the relationship of information technology and communication, present in its dynamics, organizational support and increase the potential of teaching the sport in school a critical perspectivesurpassing. Investigate the theoretical and methodological propositions that guide pedagogical work that use of information technology and communication in education and physical education /communication and media. We take questions about the theoretical and conceptual basis on which these propositions are based, by suggesting the use of technological artifacts in educational work within the school physical education. Accordingly, our work takes as an option epistemological tradition of Marxist thought, relying on dialectical and historical materialism as a theory and method of analysis of society, communism as a historical project and defense of the socialist society as an overriding pre - history. This work, theoretical, takes as its central objective to contribute to studies critical for teaching and pedagogical work organization, emphasizing the use of information technology and communication in dealing with the knowledge of sport in school. The incorporation of information technology and communication falls within the work organization as an educational tool to further enrichment of the emancipatory possibilities of human development within the critical approach surpassing on education. Consistent with its theoretical basis, philosophical, historical and dialectical materialism, developed in the heat of the struggle of workers, aiming to serve for the emancipation of the working class, in that it sought and seeks to understand more general laws of capital, the critical approach -surpassing reaffirms the need to overcome the metabolism of the socio-historical capital, recognizing that education should be understood broadly as a process of social totality, where the school is located as an institution capable of organizing, organize, expand and deepen scientific knowledge, without which the possible emancipatory practices are compromised. In this regard, we note that this knowledge should be bound, organically, with the actual struggle waged daily in the areas of training outside the school walls. With this understanding, "curfew" our work, highlighting the urgent need to bring the public school teachers in information technology and non-traditional media, so that they, also entered in the broader struggle for better education and destruction of capitalist mode of production, may have another instrument to help in the materialization of the organization of educational work, in particular, dealing with knowledge of Culture Body, taking as a mediator socially useful work in schools with information technology and communication Pedagogized the information produced, stored and distributed by these non-traditional technologies, turning them into a scientific knowledge, criticalsuperseded the historical project of capitalism.


educacao tecnologia da informação e da comunicação organização do trabalho pedagógico formação humana information technology and communication pedagogical work organization human development

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