As redações do SARESP: o texto argumentativo e a análise das três pontas




The current research aimed to examine argumentative texts from SARESP 2005 (School Evaluation and Efficiency System of the State of São Paulo), written by 3rd grade students of high school in a public state school, night shift, east area, and to check to what extent the non-observation of Hoeys proposal (1994), based on Jordans integrated three-pronged analysis (1992), could damage their production. In the current study, I base on Hoey to examine (a) the structure Problem-Solution, since his more detailed proposal completes Jordans and being so, I consider it to be more adequate to my analytical purposes. As for items (b) and (c), which are closer related to cohesion and coherence, I make use of the studies of Halliday &Hassan (1989), focusing on Reference Chain (Martin, 1992), which examines lexical repetition and of Eggins (1994), which complements those studies. The methodology of this research was based on qualitative research, as it deals with a study of argumentative texts written by students and basically relied on Hoeys 1994 Problem-Solution Structure proposal, backed up by Functional Systemic Linguistic. The corpus of this research is composed by 20 essays, evaluated as fair (grade 2), according to SARESPs evaluating criteria. Out of these essays, five were selected by me to be analyzed in the proposal of this research. The results of this study show that the use of the Three-pronged analysis were not properly used is the essays analyzed. We could show with our research that this proposal helps in the global coherence and cohesion of a text, as well as in students communicative improvement through their written texts


linguistica aplicada texto argumentativo redações do saresp argumentative text essays from saresp coherence and cohesion coerência e coesão

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