As promessas da escola pública: uma professora e seus alunos na periferia de Guarulhos, SP




It is usual to state that Elementary School and High School schools from the state public schools in Brazil are discredited about their real importance in the country social construction. For most young people at school age who attend it, the schools are not a formation place for life anymore and have become one of the few efficient ways to get a job earn a wage and change their lives, either for having a High School certificate or maybe by getting enrolled in college through Government study bursary. This research proposes to do a study about High School and Elementary School students , their parents, at two public state schools, investigating their attitudes, values and perspectives about education and the school .For this purpose, the community where this population lives located in Itapegica neighborhood, a Guarulhos suburban area was researched as well , since the way of life and culture interferes significantly on the idendity of young people their parents and on the construction of the social and political imaginary that bond them to school. The analysis was done through an anthropological observation and etnographical description at the schools mentioned above, trying to answer the questions which appeared along years through a patient and constant observation of these places, as an educator, together with interviews and questionnaire applied to 217 students and 20 families. The dissertation that shows the inadequacy of educational politics associated with terrible community social conditions , make the teachers actions useless and students and their parents hopeless about a better and more dignified future, was divided into 3 chapters which respectively are : 1) Guarulhos: today and yesterday; 2) State educational politics : a brief; 3) The school , the students and their parents Migration, social exclusion and educational politics are important subjects of this research


educação escola estadual erico verissimo educacao e estado -- sao paulo (estado) social exclusion exclusão social education ciencias sociais aplicadas guarulhos, sp -- historia migração escola estadual rotary migration

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