As políticas públicas de agroindustrialização na agricultura familiar: análise e avaliação da experiência brasileira / Agroindustrialization Public Policies in familiar agriculture: analysis and evaluation of the Brazilian experience




Since the process of the democratization in Brazil started, new programs were developed with the perspective of building different policies for the country side, especially from the consolidation of familiar agriculture as a priority public. One of the activities that got support and that started to integrate the intervention agenda was the agroindustrialization of the production in small scale, conceived as an important strategy of social reproduction for these farmers. In order to do so, in 2003 the Program of Familiar Agriculture Agroindustrialization was developed and innovated as it intervened in multiple action lines (financing, law, capacitance, technology and commerce) in a federal scale. The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyze and to evaluate this public policy from the results gotten from the intervention instruments and the enterprises profile (familiar agroindustries) supported by the program. In this paper, we applied two theoretical-methodological resources linked to the analysis of public policies: the process approach (approche séquentielle), in order to understand the different phases of the intervention mechanism, and the scale dimension of the program, in order to analyze the different processes in the national and local levels. The local study was developed in the region of Cerro Largo/RS, since there is an important presence of familiar farming institutions there and the great presence of small agroindustries in the country side. The methodological procedures refer to the compilation and analysis of data and secondary information (statistics, documents, bibliography and media) and to the making of 75 interviews half-structured with the managers of the program in a national level and with the actors present in the executive level of the policy (Cerro Largo region). In general terms, the research points out that the Program of Familiar Agriculture Agroindustrialization had its results concentrated in the south region in Brazil leaving the North and the Northeast region behind, showing that the operational structure of this intervention mechanism disregarded, at specific moments, the particularities of certain places, privileging others. At the same time, we notice that the analyzed policy has covered in a major way the more consolidated agroindustries to the detriment of the familiar unities which detain the production processing in a complementary way. Therefore, the results show that the Program of Familiar Agriculture Agroindustrialization has played an important role in the Brazilian country side and in the support to new strategies of the farmers reproduction, despite the fact that their cover has especially centered in some regions and in a restricted public.


políticas públicas sociologia agricultura familiar groindustrialização da produção public policies agroindustialization of production. familiar agriculture

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