Arte-joalheria : uma cartografia pessoal / Art-jewelry : a personal cartography


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




By taking the jewel as a theme and considering it within the realm of art, this thesis presents the field of art jewelry as a possibility of producing and contemplating an object in a poetic manner, devoid of its link to precious materials and to any decorative function. In this sense, the artistic jewelry production is approached from some assumptions selected from Deleuze and Guattari s theory of multiplicities and is developed accordingly. Conceptual frameworks and research procedures, borrowed from these philosophers, link theory and practical content through cartography, in order to build transverses. Through the art-jewelry perspective, the research addresses issues relating to desire, body and materiality, defined as intrinsic elements of the jewel. The research takes the Rhizome concept proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, and discusses these issues according to the apparent dimensions: think, do, perceive and propose, considering them in a constant state of flux. As a research procedure the study uses a cartography also anchored in these authors thinking, who consider the contemporary reality as a dynamic landscape in which individual and social contexts occur. The cartography procedure adopted here differs from that whose maps are records of a fixed landscape. Instead, this one is a "performance cartography", which requires following the transformations by empirical experience, assumed that one would accompany events, taking part in them. Therefore, workshops with artists and jewelry production within this environment are considered as fundamental resources for investigation, and were related to the information which was taken from interviews, lectures and library materials. From these experiences, connections were identified which enabled the construction and organization of presented contents. This content was a result of the connections between the art jewelry territory and concepts arising from the thought of Deleuze which exist in both practical and theoretical dimensions. Thus, the ideas presented are derived from a reading of experience as a chance to reflect concepts.


arte joias design cartografia rizoma deleuze gilles art jewelry design cartography rhizome

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