Aproximações entre o crer e o não-crer: avaliação de qualidade de vida em jovens evangélicos, ateus e sem-religião / quality of life; youth; religion; social psychology of religion; WHOQOL-BREF


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The research aimed to evaluate how much the religion (or no experience of it) may correlate to quality of life of healthy young adults of São Paulo through the application of a general questionnaire and instrument for assessing quality of life of the World Health in its short version - the WHOQOL-BREF in three comparison groups: one for protestants, one for atheists and one who call themselves non-religious. As a result, there was a connection between the behavior of believing and not believing, as no significant differences were found showing that the religious / non-religious position is correlated to the quality of life of young people. The group of protestants measured realize greater connection between body, mind and soul, and greater equilibrium and harmony in their lives when compared to other groups. The research shows trends and draws inferences about some issues which suggests that they be examined by future research using different methodologies and points of view.


qualidade de vida jovens religiosidade psicologia social da religião whoqol-bref ciencias humanas

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