Âncoras de carreira e o modelo de administração gerencial: um estudo de caso do Tribunal de Contas da União




While setting the principles of the public managerial model, little energy was deposited in understanding the needs and values of civil servants. Many agreed that the managerial model would be a feasible way to increase the efficiency of the public organizations, but would the civil servants be willing to adopt its practices and underlying values and behaviours? Would they recognize the value of the rewards offered by these new careers? And still, would they abdicate from the traditional rewards that were conquered after decades in a bureaucratic career? These questions lead us to the discussion of the implications of the needs and values of civil servants in the implementation of managerial practices. One way of understanding this relationship is through the study of the career anchors and how they relate to the organizational career management model. For such, a case study at the Brazilian Court of Auditors Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) was conducted, with the objective of deepening the comprehension of the implications of civil servants career anchors in the implementation of managerial practices. The result of the survey identified that the intention of adopting these practices will have to face three main obstacles. The first refers to the incompatibility between the desire of overcoming a bureaucratic model and the presence of a career management model that, fundamentally, satisfies the needs of typical bureaucratic individuals. This obstacle suggests the need for interventions in the career management model characteristics, so to reward managerial behaviours and not only those associated with security. The second obstacle refers to the apparent incompatibility between the behaviours and values advocated by the managerial model and the career anchors of TCUs civil servants. The overcoming of this obstacle will require some degree of integration between TCUs need to implement these practices and the needs and values of its civil servants. The third obstacle is in the incompatibility between the civil servants career anchors and the rewards emphasized by the current career management model. This obstacle suggests the presence of a perception of career stagnation among the civil servants, what could impact upcoming intervention initiatives in TCUs career management model. The understanding of these obstacles can contribute to the discussion about the construction of these new careers and the role of the civil servants in the context of the modernization of the public civil sector


administracao publica -- brasil careers anchors public managerial model Âncoras de carreira public management administracao career management model servidores publicos brasil -- tribunal de contas da uniao modelo de gestão de carreiras modelo de administração gerencia

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