Análise mecânica e fotoelástica de sistemas de fixação interna estável utilizados para o tratamento de fraturas subcondilares da mandíbula / Mechanical and photoelastic analysis of internal fixation systems used for treatment of subcondylar mandibular fractures


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Fractures of the mandibular condyle are presented as the most common injuries to the maxillo-mandibular complex, however there is still great controversy regarding treatment. The aim of this study was to assess comparatively, in vitro, by mechanical and photoelastic testing, fixation for condylar fractures with different systems. For the mechanical tests 60 polyurethane mandible models were used. They were divided into 12 groups of 5 mandibles, two control groups with intact mandibles and two groups of each type of fixation: two 2.0mm straight plates, a 2.0mm trapezoidal plate, a 2.0mm trapezoidal plate with extension, a 1.5mm trapezoidal plate and a 1.5mm trapezoidal plate with extension. Linear loading tests were carried out in anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions. Mean and standard deviations were compared by Tukey test. Differences were considered statistically significant at p ? 0.05. For the photoelastic tests, 10 photoelastic mandibles were used, 2 for each group, in the same distribution as the mechanical tests, submitted to linear loading in the same directions to analyze the behavior and distribution of tensile strain lines. The results indicated that the fixation with two plates presented a higher resistance in the anteroposterior direction and fixation with a plate with trapezoidal extension is more resistant towards mediolateral. The photoelastic analysis showed that the strain lines were best distributed when trapezoidal plates were used. According to the results we concluded that the posterior extension of the trapezoidal plates increased the strength of the fixation system, and the use of trapezoidal plate with or without posterior extension was favorable to a more balanced stress distribution


côndilo mandibular parafusos ósseos placas ósseas mandibular condyle bone screws bone plates

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