Analise dos comportamentos de mães e a relação com o comportamento dos filhos durante o tratamento odontologico




The aim of this study was to evaluate 10 mothers behaviors during sessions of their children s dental treatment besides analyzing relationships that occur between mothers and children s behaviors. All sessions were recorded in video-tape biped every 15 second interval, indicating the moments that the records of the behaviors would be carried out. Before the beginning of each session, the mother responded to a questionnaire in order to evaluate her perception in relation to the degree of her own and the child s anxiety at the day of the appointment. The dentist was also requested to respond to a questionnaire, at the end of de session, in order to evaIuate his perception in relation to the degree of anxiety demonstrated by the mother and chiId during the treatment. The results allowed the identification of behavioral patterns demonstrated by mothers that accompany their hildren during the dental treatment, as well as unique characteristics among them


ansiedade nas crianças comportamento - psicologia odontopediatria - aspectos psicologicos

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