Análise do uso da terra intraurbano na cidade de Paulínia (SP) : uma contribuição teórico-metodológica / Analysis of urban land use at the city of Paulínia (SP) : a theoretical and methodological contributions


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main goal of this master´s thesis consists in carrying out a study on the subject of urban land use and its applicability to the city of Paulínia (SP). It has been proposed to execute a mapping and an analysis on shape of the land use, considering the visual appearance of shape and volumetry built, but also other land use properties, which are combined distinctively in each urban area. The differential aspect proposed by this research consists of dealing with the issue of land use by attributes related to the categories of geographic method, according to an analysis of Form, Function, Structure and Process to better understand this issue. The methodology employed is the use of GIS technologies for the cartographic production and development of graphical modelling for synthesis of attributes related to urban land use. Through an analysis on shape of the land use distribution, dimension of access, position in the urban structure and of the residential and productive dimension developed for city of Paulínia it was possible to promote a diagnostic which highlights a heterogeneous standard on ownership, use and occupation of land that comes from an uneven production based on segregation. Graphical modelling synthesis showed the most essential aspects related to urban structure and a set of attributes uniquely designed for each urban area. The theoretical-methodological proposal developed to study the issue of land use in the city of Paulínia proved to be efficient because it allowed a differentiated exploitation regards the logic of urban processes, promoting a more robust knowledge about the reality studied, based on new forms of cartographic representation and communication.


solo - uso - paulinia (sp) geotecnologia ambiental land environmental geotechnology

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