Análise do modelo de mistura aplicado em escoamentos isotérmicos gás-líquido / Analysis of mixture model applied in gas-liquid isothermals flows


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Gas-liquid flows are often found in nature as well as in various industrial applications. In the oil production, for example, in natural or artificial lift systems (continuous or intermittent gas-lift), gas and oil flow simultaneously in pipes. The prediction of gas-liquid behavior becomes necessary for technical and economic viability of many industrial processes, for example, the oil industry due to the increase of world oil consumption and the discovery of new oilfields. In gas-liquid flow, the phases are distributed spatially and temporally along the pipe depending on the flow rate, phase s physical properties and pipe characteristics, among other parameters. The combination of these factors creates different gas-liquid flow patterns that can be grouped into three main classes: dispersed, separated and intermittent. The main objectives of this work are the development and analysis of a steady one-dimensional modeling, based on the mixture model, which allows the simulation of isothermal gas-liquid flow in pipes with constant circular cross section, considering the phenomenology involved in these flows. Among the contributions obtained in this work stand out: to identify the advantages and limitations of the model; the analysis of their formulations, closing parameters and sensibility to variables related to the patterns; to propose a solution method for a phenomenological model of the wall friction force, applied to the different gas-liquid flow patterns. The mixture model results were compared against pressure gradient experimental data from flow in the dispersed, separated and intermittent patterns, in different pipe inclinations. In addition, it was performed an analysis of the flow pattern transition in a vertical pipe. The results showed that the mixture model captures satisfactorily the pressure gradient for different gas-liquid flow patterns, in a single integration algorithm


escoamento bifásico tubulações - dinâmica dos fluídos indústria petrolífera two-phase flows pipe-fluid dynamics mixture model petroleum industry

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