Analise do contato roda-trilho e sua influencia na vida em serviço de rodas ferroviarias




The objective of this work is to analyze the stresses in the wheel-rail contact and to compare them with the contact strength for wheel and rail steels, aiming to estimate the service life for wheels. Those stresses are fundamental to study the shelling in wheels of high load freight railroad cars. The stresses were calculated using Hertz s theory and the Finite Element Method, for static or pure rolling condition. The shear forces caused by longitudinal and lateral movement were found using Kalker s theory. All these methods use elastic models. The life for one hundred millions of cycles was determined using the Buckingham studies and the value was calculated using the wheel surface hardness. The number of cycles until failure for a specific stress value was estimated based on the behavior of steels for similar applications. It was supposed tangent movement, 38 in. class C wheel and standard rail TR-57. The work shows the results and discusses the differences between methods. The factors of influence in each method are pointed out. The work also proposes topics for future researches


transporte ferroviario de cargas - vagões transporte ferroviario - rodas ferrovias - trilhos

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