Análise do arcabouço teórico jurídico do Sistema Único de Saúde: representações sociais na construção dos princípios éticos-organizativos / Analysis of the theoretical and legal framework of Brazil s Unified Health System: social representations in the construction of ethico-organizational principles




Brazils Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS) is a policy comprising political, technological, ideational and social dimensions. Accordingly, this study considers the organizational principles contained in the theoretical and juridical framework of the SUS, which are analyzed on the basis of ethical-doctrinal tenets. The study describes content relating to the organizational principles present in health policy legislation in Brazil; contextualizes the organizational principles on the basis of ethical-doctrinal tenets; and analyzes representational dimensions of the social actors involved in constructing and consolidating the SUS by making the content of these principles explicit. This qualitative study involved thematic content analysis, conducted in the light of Social Representations Theory and applied to Brazils 1988 Federal Constitution, the Rio de Janeiro State Constitution, Laws 8080/90 and 8142/90 and Operating Rules (Normas Operacionais) 1991, 1993, 1996, 2001 and 2002. The analysis yielded 07 categories (Universality of Care, Equity in Health Care in Brazil, Comprehensiveness of Health Actions, Decentralization of the Brazilian Health System, Regionalization of Health Actions, Hierarchization of the Health Care System, and Civic Participation in Health Directions), with 653 units of analysis distributed in 21 subcategories and two themes: the ethical-doctrinal tenets and the organizational principles. Universality gives the basis for constructing the other the ethical-doctrinal tenets, rest, whose common image-based dimension resides in the open door to health services. Equity finds its representation in equality and, through intellectual production, is being transformed to entail social justice and the reduction of inequalities. Comprehensiveness is represented in the logic of Comprehensive Medicine, but appropriation of the legal texts by intellectuals is modifying the representation of this principle by discussing it in a broader sense than appears in the legislation. The organizational principle categories were connected and oriented by the SUS principles as a representation organizing the health system, while the municipality is the image-based dimension around which the principles organize; here decentralization, in the practical sense, gives particular prominence to municipalization. The representation of regionalization collaborates in construction of the system in terms of local identities, because each municipality can be organized to meet special needs of the local region. The social representations of hierarchization relate to closing the cycle that runs from the simplest to the most complex care in the system, and correspond to the images of flow and stratification. Participation, meanwhile, presupposes the democratization of knowledge about the process of health and illness and about healthcare services, which summons and enables the public to exercise citizenship. There is thus a practical dimension to representations of the organizational principles, while the ethical principles are more ideological in nature. The study concludes that these documents reveal movements seeking to organize, as well as to reconcile among representations present in society. It was particularly important to study the theoretical and juridical framework of the SUS on a Theory of Social Representations approach, which revealed the endeavor to construct a new representation of Brazils health system appropriate to social groups demands and expectations.


sistema Único de saúde (brasil) - legislação unified health system, sus (brazil) enfermagem em saúde pública enfermagem de saude publica social representations nursing in public health legislação sistema Único de saúde (brasil) representações sociais legislation

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