AnÃlise de performance de sÃlitons Ãpticos espaÃo-temporais em guia planar com nÃo-linearidade cÃbico quintica periodicamente modulada e circuitos lÃgicos operando nos regimes Kerr instantÃneo e relaxado. / Performance analysis of the spatio-temporal optical solitons in a planar guide with cubic quintic nonlinearity periodically modulated and logic circuits operating in regimes Kerr instantaneous and relaxed.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this work, the propagation and stability of spatiotemporal optical solitons (or optical bullets) in a planar waveguide with periodically modulated cubic-quintic nonlinearity is presented numerically as a function of the amplitudes of modulation , the frequency of modulation and the propagation distance .With the objective of ensure the stability and preventing the collapse or the spreading of pulses, in this study we explore the cubic-quintic nonlinearity with the optical fields coupled by XPM (Cross-Phase Modulation) and take into account several values for the nonlinear parameter , for amplitudes and frequency of modulation as a function of the propagation distance , we cause the collisions of two pulses (envelope of the optical field) to ensure that the optical pulse are sÃlitons and, after numerical analysis was possible shown the existence of stable spatiotemporal optical sÃliton. We also have presented the numerical analysis of the three-core nonlinear fiber coupler in a symmetrical planar structure and operating with instantaneous and relaxed Kerr model for generation of the all-optical logic gates. To implement this optical circuit, we used a control pulse CP with a phase difference between the inputs âI1â and âI2â of the fiber coupler and were analyzed the transmission characteristics, the Extinction Ratio as a function of the phase difference, the length normalized (LN), the figure-of-merit of the logic gates (FOMELG (dB) and the pulse evolution along the fiber coupler and, thus, ensure were demonstrated the possibilities for generating of the all-optical logic gates.


nÃo-linearidade cÃbico-quintica sÃlitons espaÃo-temporais periodicamente modulado areas classicas de fenomenologia e suas aplicacoes acoplador fibra portas lÃgicas Ãpticas modelo kerr instantÃneo e relaxado spatiotemporal solitons periodically modulated cubic-quintic nonlinearity fiber coupler, optical logic gates instantaneous and relaxation kerr model.

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