Amizades romanas : considerações acerca dos discursos sobre a amicitia / Roman friendships : observations on the discourses


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aims to establish relationships between Antiquity, contemporary world in an effort to make a compared history of the production of these subjectivities through the concept of "uses of the past". We have then friendship as one of the producers of these subjectivities. The study will center in the period of the Late Roman Republic and. The analysis then identifies by which means classical friendship and its rhetoric (especially amicitia) was reappropriated/reinterpreted and how this interpretation promotes either a feeling of closeness or distance between these different ages. Subsequently it develops the concepts of the roman amicitia and modern friendship as well as the values that are attached with each of them. At last, the study analyzes how different perspectives of the classical friendship, particularly the roman one, influenced in the construction of different ideas and perceptions of roman society.


amizade - história história antiga historiografia friendship ancient history historiography rome

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