Adicção a drogas e funcionamentos limites: suas expressões e convergências no Rorschach / Drug Addiction and Borderline Personality: their expressions and convergences at Rorschach


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The drug addiction is characterized through the use of a substance, to which the power of functioning as the only mean capable of bringing relief to the anguish states internally lived by an individual is attributed. There is no consensus regarding the gathering of chemically dependent patients in a specifically addictive structure, however, in spite of the existence of diversified performance cases, those in which the drugs assume a status of the only possible way to the internal suffering relief, the psychic dynamic approaches itself to the one exhibited in the personality limit states. Thus, a decision was made to investigate the psychic dynamic of 20 young people, addicted to cocaine and/or crack, patients of a CAPS ad II in a city belonging to the Great São Paulo, by means of the Rorschach Method, with the intent to identify in which measure this dynamic resembles the characterisation of the personality limit functioning, found in the specific literature of psychoanalytic orientation. A qualitative analysis of each one of the Rorschach protocols was performed, in accordance with the structure proposed by Chabert (2000), in his study about Borderline Personality. This study involves the analysis of the relations modalities with the clinician; of the self representation; of the relations representations; and of the defensive organization. A comparative analysis of the group results in each one of these categories was performed. Furthermore, a synthesis of the psychodynamic functioning of each patient is exhibited. Subject data reveal that the majority of the analysed patients exhibit a good self image construction, however with boundaries menaced through important aggressive contents, sexual and depressive; intensive expedient to the formal determinant, with diminishing effect in its quality; problems related to the secondary identification processes; tentative to handle affection through intellectual means, not always with success; impossibility to refrain impulses linked to aggression; impulsivity; important regressive moves; manifestation of dependency, as well as of support necessity; prevalence of the mechanisms of idealization/devaluation defence and of the partial reality refusal in profound levels. That is, the problematic approaches that one, exhibited in the limit functioning of personality. With this content in mind, it is proposed, in winnicottian terms, that the treatment institutions may provide the equilibrium and environmental constancy, necessary to the emotional development recovery, thus permitting the patient to make a transitional use of them, towards independency


borderline states centro de atenção psicossocial (caps) droga (vício) drug addiction estados limítrofes rorschach test teste de rorschach

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