A tipologia textual do dissertativo: tipo de texto da classe opinativa e suas condições de produção discursiva




This dissertation is situated in the area of text typology and is grounded upon the Varieties of Discourse line of research. It has, for its theme, the dissertational text, its textual schemes and respective changes, which arise from the evaluation of discursive conditions of production. The general purpose of this work is to contribute to the development of textual typologies. As specific objectives, it: 1. describes the textual schemes of the dissertational text of 1 Thesis and 2 Theses; 2. examines the conditions of discursive production of text types; 3. verifies the organization of opinion on the analyzed texts; 4. examines the uses of arguments of necessity, possibility, probability, legitimacy, and reinforcement.This works guiding hypothesis was: the dissertational text is a type of text that belongs to the opinioned class. This type changes, depending on the conditions of discursive production. The theoretical grounding is situated in Text Linguistics and the Critical Analysis of Discourse with a socio-cognitive slant.The material analyzed was selected from the manual Dissertação [Dissertation], by Agnelo Pacheco (1988). The procedure of analysis was theoretical-analytical. The results indicated that: 1. there are two textual schemes: the dissertational text of 1 Thesis and of 2 Theses; 2. these textual schemes are changes connected to the conditions of discursive production; 3. the textual organization of opinion arises from the projection of an evaluative scale, projected into the textual referent. Thus, the change of focus, given on the referent, is important for creating a new state of things to be evaluated; 4. the use of the arguments is relative to the modal evaluation that runs from necessity to possibility passing through probability, with arguments of legitimacy and reinforcement being constructed.It can be concluded that text types are grouped into a class of text, which is defined by properties common to the texts grouped by such a class. It becomes necessary to seek the class of text in order to be able to verify which types of texts define it, based on the discursive varieties


opinioned class text type classe opinativa dissertações acadêmicas esquemas textuais uso de argumentos lingua portuguesa tipo de texto textual schemes use of arguments

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