A saúde integral das mulheres e a educação médica : uma ponte por construir


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study is based on the National Policy of Comprehensive Healthcare for Women (PNAISM) launched, in 1984, as an innovative countrywide policy which was to break with the old standard of women s healthcare focused exclusively on mother-baby care, and discusses, upon evidence, the non-conformity of current healthcare practices aimed at women to the principles that guide that policy. Starting from a historical recovery of the building process of both women s health and comprehensive health conceptual and normative framework, we discuss the constitution of a medical knowledge founded on a Cartesian rationality - analytical and technicist - as one improper for a medical practice that is to be coherent with those principles. Under the theoretical light of the feminist epistemology advocated by Sandra Harding and Helen Longino and characterized by a feminist scientific method that rejects the pseudo "value free" character of the scientific knowledge on behalf of a situated scientific method that produces knowledge from women s perspective and needs, we suggest that the existing model of medical education is a major hindrance to the effective implementation of PNAISM and propose to investigate whether and to what extent the principles and values of gender equity and comprehensive healthcare are communicated to medical students in the medical schools of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The research showed some efforts on the part of many medical schools aimed at adjusting their curricula so that to favor a comprehensive view of health and healthcare, although much deeper changes are needed in order to reach this goal. In what respects to gender equity and to the principles that guide the proposal of comprehensive healthcare aimed at women, the research unveiled the current incapability of medical schools for an education process that is consistent with such principles and the prevalence of representations and perceptions of woman that tend to perpetuate the mother-baby emphasis in women s healthcare.


woman s health sociologia da saúde health policies saúde da mulher políticas de saúde feminist theory medical education educação médica estudos de gênero public policies salud de la mujer relações de gênero políticas públicas políticas de salud teoría feminista educación médica políticas públicas

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