A saÃde no processo de integraÃÃo no Ãmbito do MERCOSUL: um estudo de suas resoluÃÃes e acordos




By means of this pesquize, of character document, to search to identify the paper attribute in the area health on the process of union region in course by means of analysis a propose of the Sub Group of Work NÂ11 Health (SGW NÂ11) and of the Reunion of Boss of the Health (RBH) and to explain the concept of health what source them to make up one s mind of the area of the coordination of the area of the health and the MERCOSUL. The question central what origin the present study of the senses by to Know in what to measure and what form the union of the field with the health to fortify or not the process from union Latino American. To analyses 207 to a conclusion of the SGW NÂ11 an 133 agreement of the RBH, whole 340 documents to refer the health to produce and to distribute of the period of 1992 and 2009. Of the process of analysis detail the emphasis permitted the norm the product of the health and the to guard sanitary, with forward the control of the norms of the fabrication the products and the to retain from to act cancer in your composer. Other datum the detail to refer in the control of the Dengue and of the use to tobacco, to include force control of the publicity and the last, in the control of the dead infantile and maternity and to standardize of the norms technician and the service of the people, tourism of organ and, in combat in traffic of the people, tourism of organ and, in special combat of the epidemic of the HIV of the region. Other datum too significant, to refer of the action about of the price of the medicine where the country to act in together, to disturb of the big laboration the down the valid of the medicine to elevate through regime of the patent s. In our understandable the health each other to confirm of the par to have how to measure the direction of the Organization Word Wide of Health (OWH) and the Organization Pan American of Health (OPAH) about of the determine partner of the health. That to note visible to adapt, priority, the access the attention first of the group vulnerable present of the region and the ampliantion of the attention basic in health how an of the strategies for to reduce the pauper of the region without to abandon the possibility of the focalization in health in health.


integraÃÃo mercosul saÃde health union mercosul educacao

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