A relação museu/escola: teoria e prática educacionais nas visitas escolares ao Museu de Zoologia da USP / The museum/school relation: educational practice and theory on school visits to the Museum of Zoology of USP




This research treats of the museum/school relation. Identifies and confronts the educational discourses and the practices of the involved professionals. Inserted on a qualitative view on education, this study analyses the present practices on school visits to the Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo. It is considered that the museums educators carry an empirical and theoretical knowledge, which is responsible for the normative conduction of the educational activities on the institution where they are involved. Other factors such as the institutions history, the administrations structure and the social context are relevant for the comprehension of the analysis field. Those are the aspects that are going to determine what is the discourse of the professionals of education who are responsible for educational actions of the museum, facing their pedagogical practises, necessary step to the comprehension of the object. On the other hand, its as well considered that schools teachers have their own conception regarding the museum. What is this conception? What are the expectancies of those professionals, who confront innumerable difficulties to take their pupils to an institution whose language and contents are not familiar to them? Are their expectancies fulfilled during visitation? To understand the universe means to observe the practices of those professionals in contact with the museum institution. Aiming to answer those questions, the confrontation of the professionals expectancies (teachers and museums educators) with their practices in a specific moment: the schools visitations to the Museum. This choice is based on the verification that the visit is the moment when the intentions, regarding to the pedagogical practice, are accomplished/confronted in a museum exposition. The choice for the University of São Paulos Museum of Zoology, and posterior empirical research inside the museum, emerged other questions concerning the educational role inside the museological institution, historically dedicated to zoological researches. A referential originating in education researches and public researches, that took place in museums, was used to ground the proposed analysis. It was verified that teachers and museums educators have similar expectancies regarding to the pedagogical potential of museums expositions. However, the schools still attending to museums without being alert to the educational particularities of these places, converting the visit on a isolated event to the school life of the student. On the other hand, the Museum of Zoology, aggregates factors, which contributes to the non-optimisation of its relation with school institutions. The evidencing of those problems indicates the need to enter an institutional partnership between museums and schools, supported by all the instances involved and not only few interested professionals.


research in museum education escola práticas pedagógicas saberes do educador de museus museu partnership school pesquisa em educação de museus parceria pedagogical practices museum saberes do professor museum educator s knowledge teacher s knowledge

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