A relação de poder e a reorganização da atuação estatal no domínio econômico diante dos processos de globalização




It portrays the historical formation of the National State in the transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity and outlines the construction of the concept of sovereignty related to this process. It emphasizes that relations of domination are developed in the society, regardless of the establishment of a sovereign entity and that the power relations come from social relations of various kinds, whether or not linked to the State. It reconstructs the thought of Hobbes on the formation of the Modern State, highlighting the reasons why he supports the full exercise of political power by the sovereign. It compares the prosecution of war-model analysis of the power used by Foucault to demonstrate how the design of Hobbes on the passage of the state of nature to the civil status abandons the consistency with which power relations are established in society. It reports as the events of the eighteenth century led to liberal conceptions of state and limitation of political power. It suggests that the emphasis given to the liberal opposition between freedom and exercise of political power hides the need for a space of freedom for which power relations are established. It highlights the contribution of the doctrine of the democratic state to the doctrines on the legal personality of the States as holders of sovereignty. It shows that power relations can be established in various institutions, which are sources of power, but the fields in which power relations are developed. It highlights the deficiency of the traditional concept of the sovereignty to explain the relationships between nation States, mainly in view of the effects of processes of globalization. It fits the actions of the interventionist model in the control of bodies provided by biopolitics, highlighting the crisis of this type of State in the global era and the way that the security techniques include the reorganization of state action before the economy. It highlight as the reason of state is a liberal set of self government and guides the involvement of political and economic sphere in times of globalization. It shows the changes that the processes of globalization in the operated right at home and internationally and how to control disciplinary portrays the new legal categories that result from changes. It describes the new features of the state intervention in the economic domain before the process of globalization and the text of Constitution of 1988. It relates the development of a new substance of economic regulation by the state to changes in activity of economic planning, standardization of the regulatory agencies and public service contracts in the Brazilian state.


direito econômico soberania estado globalização economical right globalization

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