A reforma prisional no Recife oitocentista: da cadeia à casa de detenÃÃo (1830-1874)




This paper aims to analyze the building of the Casa de DetenÃÃo do Recife inside the context of prison reforms at the Brazil Imperial. The arguing about the reform has started in the first years of the Imperial Criminal Code existence, which was approved in1830, despite the practice of the code has come only with the consolidation of the Brazilian national state, in the 1840âs. Following the leads of the criminal code, that has established the jail as the principal punishment, the prison reforms aimed the building, inside all the Imperial domains, of establishments where the simple jail prescriptions could take place as also the main target: the work in jail, with the intent of the prisoner moral correction and his consequent return to sociability, with a great sense of discipline and labor routine. In Recife, the debate about the new prison has started only with the ending of the 1840âs, which has led to the building approval of the Casa de DetenÃÃo by the public power on 1848 July. We consider that, despite the building of the Casa de DetenÃÃo do Recife, such as the others Imperial prisons, had been made inside foreignersâ standards, theses paradigms had not just been copied, but had suffered several changes to fit in the particularities of the Brazilian slavery society


casa de detenÃÃo do recife prisÃes puniÃÃes historia casa de detenÃÃo do recife punishment, prisons

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