A recepção de textos volantes: entre a leitura do analista e a visão do "leitor comum" / The reception of "movable" texts: between the reading of the analyst and the vision of the "normal reader"




The purpose of this research was to identify and to argue different ways of reception of T-shirt phrases (conceived here as "movable" texts), taking as base principles of the Textlinguistics, Enunciation Theory and Discourse Analysis. We analyzed 30 (thirty) texts to get our intention and submitted them to 60 different readers, in a period of approximately two months, by means of interviews, recorded in k7. We presented to these readers an only question: which reading do you make from this t-shirt phrase? In order to organize the analysis, the movable texts were gathered into 3 groups based on topics (macrostructure) as follows: Group 1 - relations among the sexes - 13 texts numbered from 1 to 13; Group 2 - cultural and social-political questions - 12 texts from 14 to 25 and Group 3 - addictions - 5 texts from 26 to 30. To build the theoretical reference, established in the first chapter of this work several contribution were utilized such as: Van Dijk (1989), Beaugrande &Dressler (1981), Marquesi (1996), Koch (2002), Bakhtin (2000), Foucault (1999) and Maingueneau (2000), whose contributions appear spread to the long of the analyses. The analysis and the data discussion presented in the second chapter were organized into 2 stages: one analyzes the texts from the analyst perspective and the other focuses the interviewed answers. This research allowed us to ascertain that the 30 analyzed texts presented all the textual standards and they were characterized by the presence of accessible arguments to the interlocutors, although the "acceptability" question seems to have committed 17 readers performance. The intertextuality was proved in 29 of the 30 texts, appearing in witty tone and under the form of subversion parody with the purpose to create stereotypes. In synthesis, the analyzed texts catch the form of the slogan gender, proverbs e advertising, but however make fun of, transgress or contest its contents.


intertextualidade textuality textualidade intertextuality letras production and reception of texts produção e recepção de textos

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