A produção do espaço urbano de Criciúma-SC e seus agentes de transformação / The production of urban Space and its agents of transformation in Criciúma-SC


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation proposes to show the development of the urban production/reproduction space in the city of Criciúma in Santa Catarina through the analysis of the political, economical and social agents involved in this process. This research has as the central contribution the space conception of Henri Lefebvre and its expansion made by Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos as well as the concept of landscape that has given us clues to observe the successful transformations in that city. The first part of this research is centered on investigating the coal industry s role in the production of urban space, under the aegis of the State, observing the plan of spatial practice, through intervention in everyday life. The second part is focused on understanding the process of productive restructuring, when coal ceased to be the primacy in the economy and new products were inserted in its industrial template: ceramics, textile, metallurgy, plastic and other products with the development of the service sector and trade. This new reality has brought a new dynamism to the city as people from neighboring towns were attracted by the offer of employment and started living in Criciúma. This field provided facilities so that estate agents increased the speculation. In this context, the new economic paradigm passed to establish a new profile of workers because many sectors began to require specialized labor. Due to this fact, institutions of higher education and technical professional level emerged in order to enable professionals to meet the market demand. Lastly, by using the reflections of the new economic paradigm to enforce the need for spatial interventions, it was possible to ensure the expansion of industrial capital, which led the State to carry out infrastructure works in the urban space of Criciúma. Such interventions resulted in a new urban landscape, which led the Mayor to be concerned about creating a tradition based on the figure of the ethnic groups that founded the city as a way of giving an identity to the residents. It is also important to emphasize that, despite the constant transformations from the urban space of Criciúma, it does not mean its memory was lost


geografia produção do espaço práticas espaciais reestruturação produtiva reforma urbanística paisagem production of space spatial practices productive restructuring urban reform land landscape

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