A política agrícola do regime militar de 1964 : aspectos jurídicos, financeiros e socioeconômicos




The period between 1964 and 1985 has left a mark in Brazilian history, especially with regard to the restriction on individual freedom and on exercising citizenship. Thus, this research aimed at investigating the agricultural policy during the dictatorship regime in order to analyze events which have remained obscure in official history. This research evaluates progress made in this area, which important to minimize the differences between the Brazil of great natural riches and the Brazil of hunger. A retrospective was initially made regarding the redemocratization process which began in 1945, emphasizing the Constitution of 1946, addressing the political-juridical bases of the military governments, of the Constitutions of 1967 and 1969 and of the institutional acts; we highlight the creation of infra-structure and of the social movements as necessary instruments to the agricultural policy of military governments. The core of this research clarifies the importance of federal banks to the agricultural policys success, discusses the instruments which supported the agricultural policy, such as: minimum prices, warehousing and transportation, agricultural insurance and technical assistance and rural extension and analyses the military regimes agricultural policy, especially the reorganization of the economy in the beginning of the regime, the approval of Act 4.504 on November 3rd, 1964, the Land Statute, the institutionalization of rural credit, subsidized rural credit, the note of rural credit, the National Alcohol Program (PROÁLCOOL), Assistance Program (PRORURAL) and the Labor Legislation suitable for the rural worker. Finally, we point out the crisis in rural activity which was juxtaposed to the military regime and its recovery, the agricultural crisis in the Northeast, the agriculture business versus family agriculture and the challenges of Brazilian agrarian reform. The study is based on theoretical method enriched by the authors experience in this field; the bibliographical research was based on dissertations, books and scientific articles which have contributed to deeper analysis and reflection; adding to this material is the author s experience in the positions of inspector and head of the Rural and Industry Credit Portfolio CREAI, general manager and auditor for Banco do Brasil in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. The agricultural policy of military governments, compared to that of previous governments and despite a number of weaknesses and many errors, has made significant progress, allowing for the modernization of Brazilian rural activity. Progress has also been made in social issues with the Assistance Program (PRORURAL) and labor legislation suitable for that group of workers. On the other hand, there still is a great imbalance between the funding which is allocated to family agriculture and that allocated to exports, which is the reason we are faced with a "Brazil of highly developed agriculture, capable of competing with the world s greatest powers and a Brazil of archaic agriculture, cultivated in a rudimentary fashion, without any technology. Export agriculture creates few jobs and occupies large areas, contributing to aggravate rural flight and concentration of land.


direito constitucional polÍtica - brasil - dissertaÇÕes polÍtica agrÍcola - aspectos jurÍdicos - dissertaÇÕes movimento social - dissertaÇÕes

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