A polÃtica de descentralizaÃÃo de recursos pÃblicos para o ensino fundamental e seus reflexos na gestÃo da qualidade do ensino pÃblico




The research aimed to analyze the importance for the management of the local public education of the financial resources transferred by the Federal Government. In orther to achieve this purpose, an exploratory study was undergone in a sample of four schools in the county of Novo Gama-GO, which receive federal resources. Initially, were listed the forms of financial support for the elementary education and the policies and programs intended to attend the states and counties. The theory adopted focuses the quality of education, meaning as that which is in accordance with the expectations and needs of the clients of the educational services. To achieve these purposes, the improvement of the quality must be a mission and objective of all the school organization. The research obtained the necessary information through interviews with the county educational authorities, school directors, coordinators and parents belonging to the School Council. A sample of teachers and pupils were also gave informationâs through the use of questionnaires. It was noted a considerable difference among the personal in the acknowledgment about the programs financed with federal resources. It was underlined the importance of the School Development Plan (PDE) as a tool for the planning of the school activities. On the other hand, the Money Directors to the School (PDDE) was considered the program with major benefits for the improvement of the quality of the elementary education. In the opinion of the personal, the utilization of the resources is democratically planed and has a considerable impact in the quality of the elementary education. For future researches is recommended to deepen the management of quality of the education, for which resources are essential but not sufficient to fulfill all the needs


financiamento do ensino fundamental gerenciamento da qualidade de ensino transfer of financial resources descentralizaÃÃo de recursos financeiros educacao em periferias urbanas elementary education financing management of the quality of education

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