A pluralidade das entidades familiares a partir da constituição federal brasileira de 1988 e sua importância para a concretização da dignidade da pessoa humana




The present work has the objective of bring an understanding of the several family entities in the Brazilian contemporary Right. The families, initially specific form of human aggregation insurer of the survival, they modified along the life cycles, of the cultural contexts and of the conflicts between people and, they have still been going by transformations that correspond to the changes suffered by the society. They stand out as changeable entities, because they come if altering and structuring in the last times, fact that disables to identify them with an only or ideal model. In the original classic system of the Civil Code of 1916, the drawn family model assisted to an institutional perspective of the family, which predominated the patriarchal and hierarchical character, with the exclusive protection of the family entities centered only in the marriage. In face of the need of adaptation of solutions for the disharmony and conflicts appeared, especially, in the ambit of the family relationships, the traditional Civil Right go giving space for the absorption of the renewals in order to readapt its application to the contemporary facts and the new social phenomenons. The Federal Constitution of 1988, mark in the acknowledgement of the familys change Right of Brazil, it recognized the pluralism in the formation of the family nuclei and a new conception concerning the families, in which became considered equalitarian entities, decentralized, democratic, founded in liaisons of mutual-help and affection. However, its verified that the family models contemplated in our juridical ordenament still don t constitute the enough forms to assist to the social demand marked by the dynamism of the human relationships. Front to that scenery, the study will be dedicated to the plural conception of family and the contemporary family context, in which are inserted the marrieds families, families founded in stable unions between man and woman, monoparental families, reconstituted families and the families of unions among people of the same sex, as well as the phenomenon of the family simultaneity


família sociedade constituição federal 1988 direito de família direito dignidade humana

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