A palavra e a imagem no poema "o navio negreiro" de Castro Alves. / The word and image in poem the slave ship the Castro Alves.




Our thesis sails through the Castro Alves poem The slave ship, that incorporates itself in a romantic tradition by means of the dialog established with Heinrich Heine, Gonçalves Dias, Pedro Luiz and a minor poets pleiad, manifesting the poetry epos vicissitudes dedicated to the cause of the slaves freedom. The dialectic nature from this poetic reveals itself as in the antagonist relations that delays the way that the lyric subject understands the world under the approximation and removal perspective, as in the tragic scene representation that the figures of the scenic picture mimetic the world under a Benjamin interpretative way of a mourned game. The literature genders configure themselves as optical artifacts that allow to understand the literature text as images profusion which every figure appear drunkard inside the ship fog marked by the imperative of the whip violence and the bodies dancing movement. In the fruition of the translator task, as Flávio Kothe points, we try to understand the allegoric nature of the words and images that inscribe themselves in the deep fog of the libertarian rhetoric of Castro Alves s romanticism.


literatura brasileira literature genders black poetic imagem poética poetic image, dialectic poética negra gêneros literários dialética

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