A ocorrência de Apiformes (Hymenoptera) em fragmentos da Mata Atlântica e respostas ecológicas para seu desenvolvimento sustentável. / The occurrence of Apiforms (Hymenoptera) in fragments of Atlantic Rainforest and ecological responses for sustainable use.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The high species richness of the Atlantic and Amazon rainforests places Brazil as one of the most important repositories of biological diversity worldwide. Unfortunately, some of these protected areas were rapidly degraded. Deforestation, cattle and agriculture expansion, the spread of exotic species are listed as key factors that mitigate the environmental. The effects of these factors on the bee fauna in a short span of time can only be roughly estimated, but predictions for the future are potentially catastrophic. This study aimed to evaluate the bee fauna and flora diversity in fragments of Atlantic rainforest, and to provide information about the geodiversity of the fragments. Samples were taken at four sites of fragments over a year from bees visiting plants. From the survey of environmental conditions close to the fragments we obtained the rates of geodiversity. In all fragments, the inventory showed higher species richness of solitary bees and greater abundance of Meliponina. Compared with other surveys of Atlantic forest, there is a low species richness of fauna and flora melitophily, suggesting that the fragments are unfavorable for the maintenance of bees. The statistical model predicts a decline of flora from the data of bee fauna of the fragments.


mata atlântica abelhas silvestres geodiversidade zootecnia atlantic rain forest wild bees geodiversity

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