A literatura infantil e o autoritarismo no século XX: um estudo comparativo entre Ruth Rocha e José Cardoso Pires / Children literature and authoritarianism in the twentieth century: a comparative study between Ruth Rocha and José Cardoso Pires


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work consists to dialogue the works of writer Ruth Rocha, Brazilian writer, and Jose Cardoso Pires, a Portuguese writer. From Ruth Rocha are used: O reizinho mandão, O sapo-vira-rei-vira-sapo ou o retorno do reizinho mandão, O rei que não sabia de nada, O que os olhos não veem; and from Cardoso Pires is used: Dinossauro excelentíssimo. We intend to show the relationship between fiction and reality in the countries involved working with these books. We started from the hypothesis that these works, written during the Brazilian military and Salazarism, contributed to the recognition of the importance of a democratic political system to bring freedom to the Brazilian and Portuguese nations. Our objective is also to demonstrate how the writers denounced the historical situations of the two countries, through the parody, the allegory and the carnivalization. The works analyzed are appropriate for junior readers as adult readers. Our research supports in works of Comparative Literature, Children and Youth Literature, Social and Political History of Brazil and Portugal.


authoritarianism autoritarismo children literature historiographic metafiction josé cardoso pires josé cardoso pires literatura infantil metaficção historiográfica ruth rocha ruth rocha

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