A linguagem cartográfica e a mediação da aprendizagem pelo processo de desenvolvimento de materiais didáticos táteis: Experiências com professores em formação contínua / the cartographic language and mediation of learning through the process of development of tactile learning materials: experiences with teachers in training


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research addresses the learning of the cartographic language mediated by the process of tactile didactic resources development, with the contributions of socio-historic perspective. The theoretical framework of language and tactile school cartographic sought to base discussions on the teaching of geography from the dialogues within the pedagogical mediation, enhancing the importance of cartographic language and its knowledge. The process of tactile materials development as mediation in learning was analyzed in view of two workshops offered about tactile maps to teachers and the interviews with them. Aiming to enhance the qualitative educational research and teachers reflections on their practice, the methodology based on action -research was used to collect data, such as collaborative and narrative elements as fundamental aspects. The mapping process was discussed with teachers as a mediator of learning the cartographic language, facing the challenges found in geography teaching. Also having in mind a social use of the cartographic language and considering the possibilities and changes in discourse as well the pedagogical practices. The author argues that teachers can be educational actors and producers of their work and resources, with theoretical and methodological basis for the activities planning, and having the act of mapping as significant process.


aprendizagem e mediação docente cartografia escolar e tátil language linguagem mapping schools and tactile learning and teaching mediation

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