A formação do administrador (re-visitada) e as demandas sócio-históricas de capacidade gerencial no contexto brasileiro : uma análise crítica


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work aims to clarify the links that may exist between the training of administrators and social and historical requirements of managerial capacity, throughout the national development process. It seeks the understanding of the conditions that have outlined the Brazilian managerial experience in its different phases - the "patrimonial", the "utilitarian" and the "semiurgent" and of the way those conditions have been affecting the determination of the role "attributed" to the administrator and of its underlying values. Therefore, this study moved from and analysis of the managerial phenomenon while political fact (approach centered on managerial functions, denyirig, in this way, the historicity of the phenomenon), to its understanding as an organization element of the Brazilian society and its fundamentais, having as background social, economic, political and educational transformations in this society. The process of knowledge constrution, in this study, was based on a set of methodological premisses whose specifities reveal our understanding of what the perceptions of the world, science and the social scientist making are, and of the issues of ideology and rationality in this scientific making, respectively: 1) Perceptions of the world are the result of each human being existential course, which, in terms of processes of knowledge construction, tends to coadunate with the system of values inherent in an organic, holistic and ecological approach of human life peculiar to the "holistic paradigm". 2) Science making is a social and historical making of " methodological - processual character (Pinto, 1979), whose purpose is to dominate the world (natural and social) in order to make it more favorable to human life. 3) Ideology, as "social praxis" and instrument of criticism placed in the existential dialetics levei, may contribute to the- improvement of knowledge and the changing of reality. 4) Rationality based on principies of criticism and action, peculiar to "emancipator, (Giroux, 1986) or "substantive rationality (Ramos, 1981, 1983), aims to criticize what is restricted and oppressive, and at the same time acts in favor of freedom, justice and solidarity. The influences of these premisses on the understanding of the organization and on the conception of the processes of the training of administrators are characterized, in this study, as follows: 1) Organizations - understood as integrated totalities - may turn feasible the human, economic and social development of a society. 2) Teaching is an act of intersubjective recreation of existence, so that it may turn feasible the construction of contextualized scholarship centered on man and on his social and cultural roots. Aiming to reach the objective of this study, a social and historical analysis was developed based on bibliographical and documentary research. And analysis of one case was also carried Out in order to clarify the current "role of the administrator", through training/teaching. For this analysis, "free observations" and "semi-structured interviews" (Triviiios, 1987) were used, besides "discourse analysis" (Bardin, 1979). The study showed that there are profound interconnections betwen the managerial phenomenon and the training of administrators, concerning particularly their links with the requirements of the evolutionary phases of worldly capitalism, and with the techno-industrial development levei of the Brazilian society. The support common to these events is an intervening State model based on an excluding "development ideology" (sic) wich is articulated by interests in favor of a dominant elite. Concerning management, this fact is due to the evident absence of a managerial "téchne" (creation) centered on the Brazilian man and on his social and cultural origins. Concerning the training of administrators, this fact is due to the praxis which is still predominant in the teaching of administration in its different leveis. In this aspect, it ,was verified that there is a systemic - functionalist congruence throughout the whole educational process, supported basically by: a) a mechanistic perception of the world; b) a paradigm of science of the same nature, whose philosophical pressupositions separate science from existence; c) a "developmentist ideologt (Covre, 1981; 1983; 1988; Fischer, 1984), expression of modern, rational, capitalistic and techno-bureaucratic values (sic), typical of "profit ethicl (Motta, 1983; 1986; 1989) and of action of "instrumental (Ramos, 1981; 1983) or "technical rationality (Giroux, 1986), based on techno-scientific necessities, derived from the laws of nature; and d) a teaching predominantly directive, not critical and not related to the real conditions of the Brazilian society and, therefore, imbued with a state of "nalve transitivo consciousnesl (Freire, 1980; 1988; 1989a; 1989b) required for the reproduction of the dominant "status qud . This kind of teaching, reproducing the logic of the production capitalistic model, has been favorable to the consolidation of the most serious problem of administration courses: the dicotomy theory-practice, ideas-action, ideas-values; this approach makes difficult for the administrator/manager to place him/herself in the geographical, historical, social and cultural scope of his/her country and to compromise with this reality, i.e., with the real necessities of his/her society. Considering the student will tend to reproduce in his/her (future) practice the model learned during his/her training, the evidences above are enough to generate a profound discomfort.


administracao : historia : brasil administracao : ensino recursos humanos administradores

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