A Educação ambiental e o projeto pedagógico na escola




Due to serious environmental damage processes, the Environmental Education is now a demand of the worldwide community. In Brazil, Environmental Education is assured through the Federal Constitution of 1988. Besides it is a goal of educational programs as implemented in the National Syllabus Parameters - PCN. Educators agree and the PCNs corroborate, that the environmental education cannot be accomplished in a punctual and disjointed way in the and school context because it should be present in the curricula of all the subjects and in the various pedagogic activities. This research is aimed at analyzing environmental education through the school pedagogic project. As it has been idealized, this project legitimates and opens space for the accomplishment of that education. To accomplish the investigation we used different data collecting techniques and different sources of data, including the observation of the object through the speech and actions of teachers in a public school in Campo Grande, Capital City of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The reflection on the environmental issue, on the "institution of the society" and on education, offered theoretical basis to the work. The data collected evinced a series of drawbacks to the accomplishment of environmental education, but they can also indicate the right paths to their accomplishment.


educação ambiental educacao pedagogic project environmental education projeto pedagógico

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