A dispensação judicial de medicamento : uma análise à luz da legislação e jurisprudência / A dispensação judicial de medicamento : uma análise à luz da legislação e jurisprudência


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this study is to demonstrate in detail the phenomenon of free supply of medicine to the brazilian citizens by court order. This study considered the social state and the plexus of fundamental rights and guarantees brought with the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, especially those pertaining to health, including the provision of pharmaceutical SUS, focusing on the approach of the specific legislation and case law of the Brazilian Federal Courts, notably the Supreme Federal Court and The Superior Court of Justice. Through this study, our major issue is to contribute to the improvement of public health considering the notoriously precarious public health service developed in Brazil and the helplessness of the poor population of a country that recognizes its poverty in its own Constitution itself when it says in item III of in article art. 3, which is a key objective of the Republic ― to eradicate poverty and marginalization and reduce social and regional inequalities


direitos fundamentais - brasil medicamentos - utilização dissertations jurisprudência fundamental rights - brazil direito saúde pública - brasil dissertações drug - use jurisprudence direito à saúde right to health public health - brazil


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