A (des)atenção aos usuários de álcool e outras drogas na Estratégia da Saúde da Família: concepções de enfermeiros, médicos e psicólogos / The (dis)attention to alcohol and other drugs users in the Family Health Strategy: conceptions of nurses, physicians and psychologists


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Abstract: The present public health care policies concerning the alcohol and other drugs theme value the strategies of harm reduction and the coordination of care to users within the basic attention to health network, in which the Family Health Strategy is inserted. However, it is known that the peoples conception especially health professionals concerning psychoactive substances influence the effectiveness of public health care policies. The present study aims to analyze the conceptions of psysicians, psychologists and nurses acting in the Family Health Strategy in Uberlândia towards the health attention to alcohol and other drugs users. It is a clinical-qualitative study, in which data collection involved a semi-structured interview with 12 participants. The data obtained was submitted to thematic content analysis and organized in an interpretative synthesis in the light of theoretical psychoanalytic contributions. The results indicate, in general, that the participants have conceptions concerning the term drugs that do not depend on the lawfulness of the substances and recognize the multi-causality associated to the use of these substances. However, they have conceptions regarding users permeated by prejudice and stigma, which generates difficulty for the undertaking of care actions and leads the professionals, most of the times, to simply carry out medical routings. Besides, it has been noted that the public policies concerning the alcohol and other drugs theme are unknown to the participants. Such results were interpreted as the reflex of rationalizations and projections, which suggests the engaging of participants in a denegative pact, that is an unconscious alliance that results in professionals renouncing alcohol and other drugs users. New studies are necessary so that the conceptions of health professionals inserted in other levels of attention may be understood and, therefore, make it possible to identify eventual obstacles towards the enforcement of public health care policies.


drogas concepções profissionais da saúde política de saúde psicologia psicologia aplicada drogas - abuso alcoólatras - psicologia pessoal da área médica conceptions health professionals health care policy

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