A construção da argumentatividade em artigos de opinião produzidos por alunos do Ensino Médio




This research is based on studies of Argumentation Semantics and Textual Linguistics complemented by others studies interconnected to discourse genres under a theoretical and pedagogical perspective Focusing on argumentation and textual organizations this research aims at analyzing the act of ownership in the genre opinion article and the use of argumentation markers by students enrolled in the last year of a public high school in Brazil(3 ano do ensino médio) participants or not of a given didactic sequence in order to verify the contribution of markers and discourse relations in the constitution of meaning Through this perspective two classes of the last year of high school were investigated and procedures of a semi-experiential research were adopted with the purpose of data collection with a corpus composed of 72 texts The two classes functioned as control and experiential group respectively The oral production occurred under a traditional perspective in the former group that is the school schedule was kept with our presence in the moments of production initially an argumentation text and secondly an opinion article In the second group as for the initial text we adopted the same procedures used in the control group with the opinion article being produced only after the intervention from the adaptation of a didactic sequence adapted to the teaching/learning of a genre and its argumentation markers After the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the collected corpus we found that the argumentation markers and discursive relations contributed to the formation of meaning in the production of the writers of the experimental group However there was not the ownership of an opinion article genre as expected but only of linguistic compositional and functional elements that may lead to their ownership


relações discursivas língua portuguesa (ensino médio) composição e exercícios estudo e ensino didatic sequence análise lingüística argumentation discourse relations artigo de opinião opinion article linguistica aplicada seqüência didática análise do discurso argumentação marcadores argumentativos argumentation markers

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