A comunidade São Lourenço em Cáceres-MT : aspectos linguísticos e culturais = São Lourenço community in Cáceres-MT : linguistic and cultural aspects / São Lourenço community in Cáceres-MT : linguistic and cultural aspects


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research focuses on the field of Sociolinguistics and aims to investigate uses and attitudes related to the speech of the community of São Lourenço, witch is located in the peripheral area of the city of Cáceres-MT and it is constituted almost exclusively by native informants. This work describes linguistic and cultural aspects of this community, highlighting the linguistic variants in phonological, lexical and morphosyntactic levels that identify the speech of the community. We highlight linguistic usages that point to features apparently particular to the oldest regions in the State of Mato Grosso, witch are not exclusive of the local speech and that call the attention of the speaker of other Brazilian regions, as for example: the use of male instead of female in nominal agreement; achievements affricates...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic document.


sociolinguística variação (linguistica) atitudes linguísticas cultura sociolinguistics linguistic variation linguistic attitudes culture caceres mt

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